
History Of Involvement Tidung Tribe

History of Interest Tidung Tribe | Tidung a tribe whose Blue Planet was originally located inwards the northern purpose of East Kalimantan. This tribe is also a province man child inwards Sabah, in addition to thence at that topographic point are tribes inwards Republic of Indonesia in addition to Malaysia (Sabah state). Tidung originally have got Tidung kingdom called the Kingdom. But eventually perish extinct because of politics would provoke, yesteryear the Dutch. Tarakan Tidung linguistic communication dialect is the linguistic communication of the mid Tidung every bit understood yesteryear all citizens Tidung. Some words Tidung linguistic communication all the same has inwards mutual alongside other Kalimantan languages. Possible Tidung Dayak tribes all the same allied alongside clumps Murut (Dayak tribes inwards Sabah). Because Tidung Muslim in addition to developing the Islamic empire that is non considered a Dayak tribe, but a cultured tribe categorized Melayu (Malay customary law) such every bit involvement Banjar, Kutai tribes, in addition to tribal Sand.

Tidung people have got no tradition of writing itself. For the purposes of their writing using the Standard Arabic alphabet malay earlier knowing Latin letters every bit it is now. Tidung community embraced Islam some the 18th century. Along alongside the introduction of Islam, were also entered the Malay Standard Arabic writing tradition.

It is said the Sultan of Sulu-named Sultan Salahuddin Karamat or Pangiran Bakhtiar has married alongside a Chinese missy who came from the surface area Tirun (Tidung). And also because I wanted to secure the North-Borneo (now Sabah) after the portion received from the Sultan of Brunei, a boy of Sultan Salahuddin, namely Sultan Karamat Badaruddin-I also have got a missy memperisterikan Tirun or Tidung (second wife) who is the boy to the regime early on Tidung region. (The showtime married adult woman of Sultan Badaruddin-I, said the missy from Soppeng, South Sulawesi. Thus was born the kemudianya Lagasan Datu into the championship of Sultan of Sulu, Sultan Alimuddin ibni Sultan Badaruddin-I-I). From zuriat Sultan Alimuddin-I is said to move coming Kiram Family in addition to Shakiraullah inwards Sulu.

Then the blood of the descendants of Princess Tidung this was a boy named Datu Bantilan in addition to a princess named Dayang Meria. Datu Bantilan after ascend the throne of the Sultanate of Sulu (replacing his blood brother Sultan Alimuddin-I) on the years some 1748, the championship of Sultan Bantilan Muizzuddin. Dayang said Meria Adindanya berkahwin alongside a Chinese merchant, in addition to after gave nascency Teteng or Datu Datu Tating. And from this Muizzuddin Bantilan zuriat Sultan Maharajah Family coming Adina, who is straightaway an "Heir Actually" to follow the Sultanate of Sulu Sultanate Protocol System called "tartib Sulu".

It also said that the truthful heir to the title, caring of the Most Noble (DYMM) Sultan Aliuddin Haddis Pabila (Deceased on 06/30/2007 at Kudat, Sabah). And also expressed bahawa 'Crown Prince' straightaway Sulu sultanate was the boy of Sultan Aliuddin bongsu to DYMM a supremely caring named Honor (DYTM) Datu Ali Aman or held every bit good every bit the "King Bongsu-II" (* The final result may accept the approbation of their fathers yell named King Bongsu or Pengiran Shahbandar Maharajalela, which is the son-bongsu to Sultan Muhammad Hassan of Brunei. Bongsu King said it was pipage to perish the Sultan of Sulu Sulu Sultan succeeded his uncle Middle Batarasah ibn Sultan-ul-Halim Buddiman that no son. Mrs. King Bongsu This is the missy of the Sultan-ul-Halim Pangiran Buddiman that berkahwin alongside Sultan Muhammad Hassan).

Dialectical variations

Tidung linguistic communication has several dialects in addition to fifty-fifty have got subdialek. So far at that topographic point has been some sentiment most the sum of this Tidung dialect, such every bit sentiment Stort, Beech, in addition to Prentice. Stort (1958) mentions that at that topographic point are 5 dialects dialect Tidung Tarakan, Sembakung, Penchangan, sedalir, in addition to Tidung Sembakung river. Beech (1908) identified 4 dialects, namely Tidung Tarakan, Bulungan, Nunukan in addition to Sembakung. whereas Prentice (1970) mentions 3 linguistic communication groups Tidung, namely Tarakan, the remains (Sembakung), in addition to Tanggara.

As far every bit the oculus in addition to observation seems Language Tidung it tin move divided into 2 major dialects, ie dialects in addition to dialect Tidung Sesayap Sembakung. Dialect Tidung Sesayap Sesayap along the river at that topographic point in addition to the islands of the estuary such every bit the isle of Tarakan, Bunyu Island in addition to islands inwards Nunukan. Sembakung dialects constitute inwards the river due north of the river Sesayap Sembakung. Sesayap dialects include Subdialek Sesayap, Malinaw in addition to Tarakan. Subdialek Malinaw usually constitute inwards the surface area which includes the headwaters Sesayap Malinau in addition to Tideng Pale (the Capital District. Tana Tidung). Subdialek Tarakan include many residential locations including the isle of Tarakan, Salimbatu, rocks, Nunukan in addition to Bunyu Island. Sembakung dialects at that topographic point are inwards Sembakung, Lumbis, Sebuku in addition to Tana Lia.

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