
Cave Paintings Inwards Maluku

| CAVE PAINTINGS MALUKU | Cave ikon inward Republic of Indonesia known to educate during the hunting too gathering nutrient advanced (Kosasih, 1983). According H.R. Van Hekeren (1972 inward Permana, 2008) probable to cave inward South Sulawesi's life lasted for thousands of years BC. Cave ikon inward Republic of Indonesia spread over the expanse of ??South Sulawesi, Maluku Islands, Papua, too Kalimantan.

The regain of cave paintings inward South Sulawesi for the outset kalianya performed past times CHM Heeren-Palm inward 1950 at Leang PattaE. In this cave was constitute with a manus stamp, postage a background of cherry-red paint. Perhaps these women merupakancap left hand. The labeling of this manus turn over made past times stretching your fingers on the cave wall too therefore sprinkled with cherry-red paint. Digua also constitute a ikon of a pig who was jumping deer with an arrow inward the heart. Perhaps the ikon is intended as a form of promise that they managed to hunt inward the woods. Hog deer were depicted with horizontal stripes of red. (Marwati Djoened Poespoenegoro; 2008, 187)
Heekeren Research inward Cave Birds regain the manus labeling. This all was all the same coming from the left manus stamp. Another regain made past times C.J.H. Franssen regain the manus postage is also inward a cave close Sarippa, which was therefore named the cave JariE. Based on these findings Franssen Heekeren bear a articulation investigation inward the cave, therefore it constitute a full of 29 pieces manus stamp, which consists of 4 groups. The groups are:
There are ii pieces, each consisting of vii too v pieces of manus stamped with a cherry-red background stamp.
There are 4 manus stamp, which is i of them has 4 fingers, too the other has exclusively iii fingers.
Each consisting of 4 too v pieces, of which at that spot are non thousands of fingers, 4 pieces manus stamp

On the exterior wall of the cave at that spot is a ikon of the forearm, but its shape is rather less clear. Other discoveries adalha Lambattorang cave, virtually Maros. On the other wall of the cave was discovered stamp-stamp the hands of as many as xl units. About a site that, at Leang PattaE Kere, also constitute a motion ikon Sus scrofa deer distilir past times manus labeling. Pig motion ikon that is hither i has a length of to a greater extent than or less 1 meter.

Based on geographic information too archaeological data, at that spot are ii areas inward South Sulawesi who receive got painted caves of the district of Maros (Maros Complex) too the District Pangkajene (Complex Pangkajene). Complex Maros, an archaeological object that is oftentimes observed, fifty-fifty the most widely studied past times domestic too unusual as good as the longest studied, ie since the Dutch era to the present.
Pangkajene complex, an expanse which has cave paintings are most numerous, with others, Garunggung, Lasitae, Feather Ballang, Lompoa, Kassi, Sapiria, Sakapao, Akarasaka, Sumpangbita, Bulusumi, Feather Sipong, Camingkana, Patenungan, Feather Ribba, Salluka, too squid Lantang.
These caves receive got paintings vary greatly, non exclusively technique but also his portrayal prihal multifariousness pattern. Red as dominant color, at that spot are several caves that demonstrate the human designing with black, the cave Lompoa, Kassi, too Sapiria. The prototype designing is with others a motion ikon postage feet, anoa, too the canoe is exclusively constitute inward Cave Sumpang Bita. Patterns of fish constitute inward caves Lasitae, Feather Ballang, Akarassaka, Feather Sippong, too Feather Ribba. In the cave at that spot is also the designing of hairs Ballang turtles, spell the cave Feather Ribba tertela simply a fish species of dolphins. In general, these caves receive got a designing postage danbabi hand, spell the boat is exclusively constitute inward the designing of Feather Cave Sippong. The exclusively POA pigs receive got a designing of religious-magical, as evidenced past times the beingness of such tatu or scars on his back, constitute inward caves Sakapao. (Marwati Djoened Poesponegoro; 2008, 198)

Cave Sakapao

In ikon the walls cherry-red tertela designing consisting of a manus postage too pigs. For some postage hand, at that spot are exclusively a manus drawn underneath. For prototype designing terdpat pigs inward this ikon seems to receive got a uniqueness, namely the First shows a scratch pad that resembles a pig's trunk scars, mayhap a upshot of the blows hitting a abrupt weapon or lance. From this ikon at that spot are many people who translate or connect it with magical powers, such as the important of cave paintings constitute inward Pattakere I.
In add-on to meaningful magical images tin dismiss also live interpreted as a symbol of the hunt, inward which people at that fourth dimension was already familiar with the hunting of swine, both for nutrient too ceremonial keprluan. Second, displaying images that overlap pig, both menghadp to the right. If nosotros hold off to a greater extent than observant seem that demonstrate pig pig androgynous image. This scene shows or tends to receive got a role connected with fertility problems.

Human object image

It seems that the human prototype of the object is rarely used inward those days, although rarely seen pictures of human object, but that does non hateful nothing. Figure berobjek humans are all about the isle of Muna (South Sulawesi) too and Pangkajene (South Sulawesi) is inward the cave Lompoa, Kassi too Sapiria. Lampoa Goa, too having a designing likisan humans also receive got other patterns such as, manus stamp, pigs, sun, fish, parahu, too geometric shapes, spell the interesting business office of the cave Kassi is a designing axes, plows too ophidian eyes.
Based on the patterns terdpat inward the inward a higher house nosotros tin dismiss conclude that club at that fourth dimension already menyadri a residuum betwixt physical nd spiritual needs. Both of these meanings seem to receive got a unified important betwixt social-economic value, which is represented past times a designing of pigs, boats, axes, too plowshares, too religis-magical value represented past times the designing of manus ikon too postage of the sun. As for pictures of snakes that tertela inward ikon patterns, is exclusively interpreted as a alert to men to live careful of because it was considered unsafe reptiles.

Cave Sumpang Bita (Pangkajene, South Sulawesi)

Is the exclusively postage of the human foot paintings, paintings on cave walls tertela rear. Although it is non sure enough important contained inside the walls of the cave paintings, past times analogy tin dismiss live associated with ceremonies that are associated with the lawsuit a infant is able to walk for the outset time. Passage of the infant for the outset time, is considered sacred inward the eyes of society. To commemorate the lawsuit or events that are considered sacred, it is deemed necessary to brand the sign of the evidence, namely inward the cast of footprints that are listed inward the correct manus wall of the cave where they live. The similarity betwixt the designing of the manus postage with the postage of the human foot are every bit drawn inward the cast of negative (negative footprint).

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