The King Of Samu Samu | | In prehistoric times the isle of Nusa Sea is the best producer of Cloves, Abubu Affairs is 1 of vii province that is inwards the isle of Nusa - Sea. Maluku - Indonesia. Ancestors of King is the King of State Abubu Silawane first, when the King died Ancestors Silawane forwarded yesteryear his brother, King City Ancestors. King Samu Samu has existed since the XVI Century - 1556 AD, initiated since the decease of King City forwarded Ancestors biological kid named Abigael Samu Samu King Ancestors. Ancestors of King Samu Samu Abigael who receive got groovy posture as well as superlative are the Warriors Ocean (tough sailors) as well as the highly regarded as well as respected throughout the State - State inwards the Moluccas; Kapata ancestors (ancestral history) King Samu Samu: King Samu Samu helped care Islands waters Sultanate of Ternate Ternate assist care the forces Purtugis, all the same inwards Kapata ancestors (ancestral history) King Samu Samu: when in that place is about other manly mortal monarch of Fam desire to move to the Land of Abubu - Nusa Sea, as well as thence yesteryear the might of prayer King Samu Samu brand about other King of Fam located inwards the middle of the body of body of water tin non run across Abubu Affairs as well as the isle of Nusa Sea, as well as in conclusion King of the other Fam go, that the incident was witnessed yesteryear King - King of the top isle of Seram.
When the Dutch VOC into the Moluccan Islands yesteryear seizing spices - spices as well as cash crops every bit good every bit kezoliman kepda communities inwards Maluku Islands, including inwards Nusa Laut, the King Ancestors Abigael Samu Samu is the commencement King of Maluku as well as Maluku people who dared to resist as well as oppose greed as well as kezoliman VOC Netherlands, as well as did non participate inwards attacks Hongi (dawn raids) administered the Dutch VOC, as well as thence the Blue Planet forces / KNIL Dutch VOC labeling that King Samu Samu Abigael Ancestors are rebels (extremists) as well as sought to arrest. So King Ancestors Abigael Samu Samu disappear away from the State Abubu - Nusa Sea as well as the commencement halt on the Beach Galala Ambon Island as well as met amongst Rich Fam Yoris (the landlord as well as the forerunner of Fam Samu Samu inwards Galala Ambon Island) to inquire for assist to his blood brother King Abigael Samu Samu ancestor, King Batu Merah - Wali Ancestors Ulu as well as King Halong. Because King was labeled a rebel Samu Samu (extremists) the bring upwardly or the bring upwardly of King Samu Samu Fam is non recorded or recorded inwards the books - books that 2nd the Dutch government, amongst the intent as well as exercise to Samu Samu Fam subsequent offspring or monastic say or the people - non the Moluccan knowing the beginning of descent from Samu Samu actual, political strategy as well as this is done is to eliminate the identity (identity) as well as to non know asala-proposal as well as Fam King Samu Samu.
When in that place is fighting inwards Aceh, the Sultanate of Aceh asked for assist to King Samu Samu II as well as King - King of the other Moluccas, Aceh afterwards the war; King Samu Samu moved to the East of Batavia (now known Kampoeng Ambon) amongst the King - King of the Moluccas as well as the people - people of Ambon Another, afterwards World War II; King Samu Samu II as well as King - King of the Moluccas others returned to their province - each inwards the Moluccas, as well as when it heats upwardly the atmosphere inwards the Bantam area, the Sultan of Banten - Ven. Sultan Hasanuddin married his grandson yesteryear the eldest boy of King Samu Samu III (settled inwards Tengkele, Attack - Bantam), as well as at the fourth dimension of the Sultanate of Banten volition live on attacked yesteryear the Blue Planet forces / Dutch Colonial Army, led yesteryear Designation. Ancestors Yongker Capitan, when aware of the people of Ambon (Maluku) inwards Banten, the Designation. Ancestors Capitan Yongker changed plans as well as instead assist the strength of the Sultanate of Banten. When King Samu Samu III died, as well as thence forwarded the eldest boy of King Samu Samu IV (settled inwards Tengkele, Attack - Bantam). At that fourth dimension King Samu Samu IV trusted to receive got aid of all of Rice Milling inwards that expanse kekuasa Sultanate of Banten, as well as King Samu Samu IV assisted yesteryear his best friend is Yth. The father.

That the appearance of vesture VI King Samu Samu is uncomplicated compared amongst the King or Sultan as well as others; thence that when King Samu Samu Informant together VI became Sultan of Deli North Sumatra, Lampung Brak Scale Sultan, Crown Prince Sultan of Gowa inwards South Sulawesi as well as Raja Iskandar Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Palembang inwards the demonstrate Kick Andy on Metro Tv, Oct 26, 2008 (which aired Dec 5, 2008); that is, when Ven. Andy F. Noya (Kick Andy Metro TV presenter) asked close the King Samu Samu VI clothing as well as things - things that customs are rattling sensitive (sensitive) what else matters related to Ancestors - Ancestors, as well as thence in that place is something beyond human might that is all the lights as well as low-cal which is inwards the studio Kick Andy on Metro TV station went nighttime immediately though non extinguished from the PLN, afterwards King Samu Samu VI perform the prayer earlier the low-cal in that place is life again, as well as this happened several times, when the audience she looked upwardly the heaven - Kick Andy heaven studios, as well as thence known to be creatures - creatures encompass a lot of hanging low-cal - low-cal that is inwards the studio Kick Andy. Another thing from King Samu Samu VI namely;
- King Samu Samu VI is ofttimes called on to hold the atmospheric condition thence every bit non to rain, or brand the atmospheric condition is non besides hot amongst a breeze - breeze
- Sometimes King Samu Samu VI withstand aircraft non to wing though the flying fourth dimension has passed until the arrival of King Samu Samu VI or shared amongst household unit of measurement as well as entourage into the aircraft
- The entire King - King of the Moluccas; King Morella, King Hitu Meseng, King Wassu, Kaitetu King, King Rohomoni, Kaibobo King, King Kaimana Papua, as well as YM. K.R.A.T. Mas'ud Thoyib Adiningrat (Kasunanan Surakarta Sultanate - Solo) King Samu Samu VI witnessed the might of prayer to modify the atmospheric condition from hot to scorching in 1 trial a atmospheric condition shade amongst the breeze - breeze earlier the traditional resultant held Broom Sticks At Morella inwards the kingdom of Ambon - Moluccas (previously the resultant could non live on started because the atmospheric condition is rattling hot), as well as many lgi things - the things done yesteryear the King Samu Samu VI.
King Samu Samu VI is pemerakarsa National Gathering of King as well as Emperor archipelago - Republic of Indonesia together amongst the Sultan of Ternate - Ven. Mudaffarsyah Sultan, King Rohomoni - Ven. Fachri Sangadji, King Crown Princess Kaimana Papua - Ven. Heidy Diana Ahmad Abdul Hakim Aituarauw, Sultanate of Banten - Ven. Tubagus Ismetullah Al-Abbas, Crown King Fatagar Fakfak Papua - Ven. Zainal Abidin Uswanas, Breeds I Mangkunegaran - YM.RM Soerjo Goeritno, Sultan Iskandar Mahmud Badaruddin Palembang, Sultan Skalan Brak Lampung - Ven. Edwardsyah Pernong Sultan, King of Indigenous Stakeholders ranging Maluku Islands - Designation. Butje Balthazar, Kutai Sultanate Kertanegara Ing. Martadipura East Borneo - Ven. Adji Prince Haji Hary Prawiro Gondo, Sultan Kutawaringin Bun Base Central Borneo - Ven. Prince Muasjiddinsyah, Kasunanan Surakarta Sultanate. Solo - Ven. K.P. Edy Wirobhumi, Kesepuhan Cirebon - Ven. P.R.A. Arief Natadiningrat, Crown King of Gowa - Ven. Andi Komala Ijo as well as several other of the Sultanate as well as the Kingdom of the archipelago as well as YM.
K.R.A.T. Mas'ud Thoyib Adiningrat. King Samu Samu VI that brand upwardly as well as brand the Statement of the King as well as the Sultan of the archipelago; (1) Returns the identity (identity) of the King as well as Sultan Collection (2) direct involves the King as well as Sultan archipelago inwards the procedure of formulating, manufacturing as well as validation Plan Act ( bill) Customary Law (3) Return the history of the Empire as well as the Sultanate inwards Schools - Schools (4) Empowering the Creative Economy inwards the Kingdom as well as the Sultanate of the archipelago, amongst a budget through the State Budget (5) Making of the King as well as the Sultan of the archipelago every bit a partner of government, both at the Central Level, Provincial as well as Regency / City; That the King Samu Samu VI is a excogitation as well as stick Heritage Collection is made exclusively of Pure Silver amongst Sticks Head-edged rock bearing the Lion Head Rubby Red (Red Rubby) as well as has been handed over to Dear. President of the Republic of Republic of Indonesia - Ven. DR.H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, at the opening of the National Gathering of King as well as Emperor archipelago, August 7, 2009, at the Merdeka Palace - Jakarta, which was also attended yesteryear Designation. Mother of President of the Republic of Republic of Indonesia - Ven. Ani Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, as well as Menkokesra, State Secretary, Menseskab, Minister of Home Affairs, Culture as well as Tourism, MenHum as well as human rights, Menkoinfo, as well as the minister. Samu Samu VI, King led the Working Committee of the National Gathering of King as well as Emperor archipelago to remain inwards deport upon Designation. President of the Republic of Republic of Indonesia - Ven. DR. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, July 5, 2009, at Puri Cikeas - Cullinan. West Java, as well as and thence led the grouping met State Secretary, Menseskab, Menkokesra, as well as Minister of Culture.
Currently King Samu Samu VI King as well as Emperor of the entire archipelago are preparing as well as volition realize a "DREAM - I DREAM" Dear. President of the Republic of Republic of Indonesia - Ven. DR. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, to laid the Museum of Civilization or the National Gallery traces the Kingdom as well as the Sultanate of the archipelago, as well as the King Samu Samu VI is providing initial ideas to promote BROTHERHOOD OF KINGS AND SULTAN NUSANTARA unite for the sake of the King as well as Emperor archipelago as well as unify the scheme - the scheme palace, as well as the Kingdom of the Sultanate existing, every bit good every bit expected yesteryear Designation. President of the Republic of Republic of Indonesia - Ven. DR. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Forums - Ven. H.R. Agung Laksono as well as Minister of Culture - Ven. Wacik.; Result is a BROTHERHOOD OF KINGS AND SULTAN NUSANTARA been declared inwards Denpasar, Bali, March 27, 2010, which was attended yesteryear the Sultan of Yogyakarta - Ven. Ngarso Dalem lane X, King of Denpasar XII - Ven. Ida Tjokorda Pamecutan Pimple, King Kaimana Papua - Ven. Abdul Hakim Ahmad Aituarauw, Crown King of Gowa inwards South Sulawesi - Ven. Andi Komala Ijo, King Rohomoni - Ven. Fachri Sangadji, Prime Minister Ing Martadipura Kertanegara Kutai Sultanate of East Borneo - Ven. Adji Haji Prince Harry Gondo Prawiro, Crown Prince Sultan of Kutai Kartanegara Ing Martadipura East Borneo - Ven. Adji Anum Solar noble Prince, the Prime Minister as well as Crown Princess King Luwu of South Sulawesi - Ven. Andi Siti Opu Cenning Luwu, Ven. K.R.A.T. Thoyib Adiningrat Mas'ud as well as others.
King Samu Samu VI, inwards add-on to running condition of the King; a lot to a greater extent than helpful as well as assist communities as well as people - people who tin non afford as well as or who receive got difficulties inwards diverse fields; hopefully inwards add-on to the vision as well as mission is a mandate ancestor of King - King Samu Samu, also tin a useful contribution to the Nation as well as the Republic of Indonesia.
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