
The Bangka Island

| THE BANGKA ISLAND | Bangka Island is ane of the areas nether the authorization of the Sultanate of Palembang, since the collapse of the ability of the Sultanate of Palembang together with Bangka territory handed over to the UK of Britain together with Northern Republic of Ireland inwards 1812. In 1814, the British authorities of the isle of Bangka bartered amongst Cochin inwards India, which had belonged to the Dutch. During World War 2 pemerintahJepang the winner at that fourth dimension controlled the isle of Bangka tahun1942 to 1945.

After the Japanese inwards 1945 surrendered unconditionally to the Allies equally good equally almost all parts of Republic of Indonesia experienced a ability vacuum, together with hence the isle of Bangka after the announcement of independence became business office of Republic of Indonesia inwards 1949. The isle of Bangka Belitung isle along amongst initially a business office of South Sumatra province through 2000 after a modify inwards the political map of Republic of Indonesia together with the upheaval inwards 1998 that led to the autumn of the Suharto regime, at the insistence of the people on the isle of Bangka together with Belitung islands later inwards the twelvemonth 2000 Bangka together with Belitung islands together with hence passed equally an escape from the province together with South Sumatra together with passed into a province called Bangka Belitung Islands.

Historical records let on that nether the Bangka Island during the Srivijaya empire in ane lawsuit inhabited past times Hindus inwards the seventh century together with Bangka isle equally good equally an expanse including the plain of study of a slap-up empire. Aside from existence a territory of Sriwijaya, Bangka Island was too the portion kekausaan some slap-up empire of Majapahit kingdom of Java such equally when it was nether the dominion of King Hayam Wuruk amongst companion mahapatih Gajah Mada together with the kingdom of Mataram was recorded equally good equally the kingdoms that in ane lawsuit ruled the isle of Bangka.

But both inwards the kingdom together with the Majapahit kingdom Sriwijawa nor Mataram Bangka isle received less attention, although the location is real strategic inwards the middle of the cruise trouble international merchandise traffic. Only after the merchandise of mainland Asia together with Europe are competing to the Indonesian isle of Bangka began to attract attention, after the regain of spices. Lack of attending to the islands of Bangka together with Belitung crusade many pirates who made the isle of Bangka together with Belitung used equally pirate hideouts that own got an touching on on the misery for residents.

Sultanate of Johor
To overcome the chaos together with safety or hence the Strait of Malacca shipping, together with hence the Sultan of Johor past times the allies together with the Raja Alam Sutan Garang Tigers rally the troops to this island. After the liberation mission of the islands of Bangka together with Belitung Island did well, the Sultan of Johor together with its allies too developed a seat of Islam inwards their respective places together with Bangkakota Kotawaringin. But unfortunately this did non lastly long, together with hence become dorsum into the nest of the Pacific isle of pirates.

Sultanate of Banten
Because he felt aggrieved past times non amanya too cruise or hence the waters of Malacca, peculiarly or hence the isle of Bangka together with Belitung, peculiarly after they own got away from the ships of the merchants of the Sultan of Banten Banten sent Regent archipelago to exterminate pirates operating or hence the isle them. Having both is successfully controlled puleu together with hence Regent ruled the archipelago for some fourth dimension amongst the championship of Viceroy of Bangka. It is told too that the Commander of Banten, Ratu Bagus who was forced to withdraw from pertikaiannya amongst the Sultan of Palembang, Bangka toward the metropolis together with died there.

After Regent archipelago's death, ability passed into the hands of his alone nipper together with because her missy is married to the Sultan of Palembang, the Sultan Abdurrachman together with hence past times itself the isle of Bangka together with Belitung dorsum into ability Palembang sultanate of years (1659-1707).

Sultanate of Palembang
In 1707 Sultan Abdurrachman died, together with was succeeded past times his boy Muhammad Mansyur Queen (1707-1715).

But the younger blood brother of Queen Queen Anum Mohammad Kamaruddin Mansyur together with hence heighten himself equally the Sultan of Palembang, replacing his blood brother (1715-1724), although his blood brother had been advised prior to death, hence that his boy Mahmud fled to Johor Badaruddin together with Siantan, although officially been appointed equally the Sultan of Palembang.

But Mahmud Badaruddin inwards 1724 amongst the assist of the Armed Forces of the Sultan of Johor retake Palembang from his uncle.

Power over the isle of Bangka after submitted past times the Wan Mahmud Badaruddin Wing, which has since some fourth dimension has been moved from Siantan to Bangka amongst 2 of his blood brother Wan Wan Abduljabar together with Serin.

The regain of Pb together with VOCs
Around the twelvemonth 1709 constitute lead, who outset excavated inwards the River District Olin inwards Toboali past times people upon their sense inwards the Johor Straits. With the regain of this lead, get to Bangka isle visited past times all sorts of boats from Asia together with Europe. Tin earthworks companies became to a greater extent than advanced, hence the Sultan of Palembang mail his men into the Peninsula Affairs of China to hold back for experts who increasingly felt real necessary.

In 1717 began to live held nexus of merchandise amongst the VOC for the sales lead. With the assist of this Company, the Sultan of Palembang trying to eradicate the pirates together with smuggling-smuggling tin. In 1755 the Dutch authorities to mail merchandise missions to Palembang, led past times Van Haak, who intends to review the results together with pepper inwards Bangka tin. In well-nigh the twelvemonth 1722 VOC entered a binding contract amongst the Sultan Queen Anum Kamaruddin to purchase a tin sack monopoly, which according to reports Van.
  • The correct treaty betwixt the Netherlands together with the Sultan of Palembang contains:
  • Sultan alone sell the leads to the Company
  • The Company may purchase the required amount of tin.
  • As a resultant of this understanding together with hence many of the isle of Bangka tin sack sold past times smuggled.
Subsequently inwards 1803 the Dutch authorities sent a mission again, led past times VD Bogarts together with Captain Lombart, who intend to probe carefully well-nigh tin sack inwards Bangka.

British Colonies
Tuntang Agreement on xviii September 1811 has brought some other fate for the isle of Bangka. On that engagement the deed was signed from the Dutch give upward to the British, where the isle of Java together with the regions surrender, Timorese, Makassar, Palembang together with the next areas of a colony of the British conquest.

Raffles sent emissaries to Palembang to own got over the Dutch guild at the River Aur, but they were rejected past times Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II, because the Dutch ability inwards Kilkenny earlier the capitulation Tuntang is non in that location anymore. Raffles was unhappy amongst the rejection together with withal need that the Sultan River guild Aur handed, too demanded that the Sultan gave tin sack mines on the isle of Bangka together with Belitung.

On March 20, 1812 Raffles sent to Palembang expedition led past times Major General Rollo Gillespie Roobert. But Gillespie failed to come across amongst the Sultan together with the British began to implement the policy of "divide et impera" her. Gillespie picked Duke equally the Sultan of Palembang prince amongst the championship of Sultan Ahmad Najamuddin II (1812).

British recognition of Sultan Ahmad II Najamuddin made arrangements hence that the islands of Bangka together with Belitung handed over to Britain. On the agency dorsum to Batavia via Mentok past times Gillespie, inaugurated the 2 islands became a British colony was named "Duke of Island" (May 20, 1812).

Back to the Dutch Colony
Then on the reason of the Convention of London on August 13, 1814, Kingdom of the Netherlands received dorsum from the UK of Britain together with Northern Republic of Ireland regions which had occupied inwards 1803 earlier Napoleon invaded the Netherlands inwards Europe, including some areas of the Sultanate of Palembang. The receipt is carried out betwixt M.H. Court (England) past times K. Heynes (Netherlands) inwards Mentor on Dec 10, 1816.

Fraud, extortion, dewatering together with carry of Pb an uncertain outcome, conducted past times the VOC together with the UK of Britain together with Northern Republic of Ireland (EIC) has finally arrived on the province of affairs of the people lost patience. Moreover, after returning to the Dutch, who began digging a massive Pb together with did non recollect well-nigh the fate of the natives. Guerrilla warfare conducted inwards Musi Rawas against the Dutch, too has raised the spirit of resistance of the people on the isle of Bangka together with Belitung.

Then came the uprisings, for years the people of the Pacific held a resistance, fought desperately to repel the Dutch from its territory, nether the leadership of Depati Merawang, Pangkal Pinang, Depati Bahrin, together with Tikal together with others.

Then the married adult woman of Mahmud Badaruddin that because it does non check her hubby live allowed to remain inwards Palembang settled inwards the Pacific, which is said that the married adult woman of Sultan Mahmud was the boy of Wan Abduljabar. History says that Wan Abduljabar was the mo boy of the Sultan of Johor Abdulhayat a trust for the authorities inwards Siantan, Abdulhayat originally was a high-ranking Chinese empire named Kian Lim Tau, which is due to dispute together with hence fled to Johor together with larn protection from the Sultan. He later converted to Islam equally Abdulhayat, because expertise is appointed past times the Sultan of Johor to the caput of State inwards Siantan.

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